Legal notice

This website is owned by ECOEMBALAJES ESPAÑA, S.A. (hereinafter, ECOEMBES), and has been created for information purposes and for personal use. The access and use thereof implies acknowledgement and acceptance without reserve of the terms and conditions set below.

Ownership of the Website

The domain name,, is registered as belonging to ECOEMBES before the Companies Registry in Madrid, under Volume 12.100, Page 17, Sheet M-190844, Entry. 1ª, VAT no. A-81601700.

ECOEMBES’ registered address is, for the purposes of this Disclaimer, in Madrid 28016, Calle de Cardenal Marcelo Spínola 14 / 2ª Planta. You can contact us at this address.
Terms and Conditions of Use
The user voluntarily accesses this Website. Access to and navigation in this Website imply accepting and knowing the legal warning and the terms and conditions of use therein. Mere access does not imply establishing any kind of business relationship between ECOEMBES and the user.

The terms and conditions in this Disclaimer may undergo changes of any kind and may be reviewed and/or updated when ECOEMBES deems so appropriate or with the purpose of making it adequate to regulatory and/or technological changes that may occur. Amendments will become effective from the moment they are published on this website.

This Disclaimer is only applicable to the information collected in this Website but not to contents and/or services collected or provided from Websites that have not been accessed or linked to ECOEMBES’ website.

Intellectual property

This Website and the content therein are protected by the current laws on intellectual property.

Amending, copying, reproducing, downloading, broadcasting, distributing or transforming the Website content is prohibited if there is no authorisation from the owner of the corresponding rights or if it is not legally permitted.

Access to this Website does not grant users ownership of any kind over the intellectual property rights over the content or the Website itself. Any reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation actions, whether free of charge or at a cost, of the whole content and/or website or part thereof, are expressly prohibited. Notwithstanding the above, regarding works for which ECOEMBES holds the exploitation rights, viewing, copying and printing documents and information gathered on this Web site, provided that:

Furthermore, brands, trade names, logos and other distinctive signs that are included or may be included on this Web site are owned by ECOEMBES or the cited third party and are protected by the current regulations on industrial property in force. The use and exploitation of said distinctive signs is prohibited. Notwithstanding the above, ECOEMBES allows the use of distinctive signs for which it owns exploitation rights, provided it is done using a reference and in good faith, always citing ECOEMBES as the owner of such distinctive signs.

The distinctive signs of third parties, contained in this Web site, may be registered by their respective owners and protected by the applicable laws in force. In any case, the user must make sure of their nature and, whenever applicable, request permission before using them.

Contents and liability limitation

ECOEMBES reviews the information and data exhibited on this Website, but does not ensure they are correct and may have inaccuracies or errors. ECOEMBES is endorsed by the trust of many clients and performs rigorous professional work. We wish the information and data published on this Website are useful to you, but we cannot assume any liability or consequences arising from their interpretation or use.

ECOEMBES does not ensure the access to this Website will be uninterrupted or free of errors. In no case shall ECOEMBES be liable for prejudice of any kind resulting from the access and/or use of the Website. ECOEMBES does not ensure either the lack of virus or other elements that may cause damage to the users’ IT systems and will not be liable for the prejudice that may be caused for these reasons.

ECOEMBES offers links to third party Websites. Said links are for information purposes only and they are no invitation to contract goods and/or services that may be offered on the Website linked. ECOEMBES is not responsible for the content in the Web sites linked nor will it be liable for damages or losses that may arise from the connection or use of any content, product or service available on the Web sites linked. On the other hand, ECOEMBES is not liable for third-party options accessed from the links offered on this Web site. ECOEMBES does not ensure correct performance of the links to other Websites.

Privacy Policy and Data Protection

We would like to be completely transparent as to how we are processing personal data: we have adapted our Privacy Policy to the provisions in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. You may carefully read our Privacy Policy by clicking here.

Applicable laws and competent Courts

The terms and conditions governing this Website, as well as the relationships that may arise from it are protected and subject to the Spanish laws.

To settle any type of controversy, litigation or discrepancy that way arise between the user and ECOEMBES due to the use of this Website, the parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.