Privacy Policy

Esta página Web es titularidad de ECOEMBALAJES ESPAÑA, S.A. (en adelante, ECOEMBES), habiendo sido creada con carácter informativo y para uso personal. El uso y acceso a la misma implica el conocimiento y aceptación sin reserva de los términos descritos a continuación.



By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user is informed that the personal data provided through the website located at the (hereinafter, the “Website“) will be processed by ECOEMBES, as well as the data derived from your browsing and any other data that you may provide to ECOEMBES in the future.

The user must carefully read this Privacy Policy, which has been drafted in a clear and simple manner to facilitate its understanding, freely and voluntarily determining whether he/she wishes to provide his/her personal data to ECOEMBES.


The data requested in the forms on the Website are, in general, obligatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) in order to comply with the established purposes.

Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, these requests cannot be met, without prejudice to the fact that you may freely view the content of the Website.


The personal data provided through the Website or other means made available to users will be processed by ECOEMBES for the following purposes:

  1. Attention and appropriate management of the requests made through the forms provided: the personal data collected by ECOEMBES will be processed, both automatically and, where appropriate, conventionally in order to contact the user with the aim of attending to and appropriately managing the requests made through the forms provided for this purpose.
  2. Packaging adhesion: the data provided for this purpose will be processed for the purpose of managing the adhesion of packaging of companies wishing to benefit from this service offered by ECOEMBES.
  3. Creation of an account and access to the private area: the data provided for this purpose will be processed in order to allow the user of the Website to create an account and access the private area from which to carry out their dealings with ECOEMBES.
  4. Sending, by electronic means, information from ECOEMBES: the data provided will be processed for the purpose of sending the user commercial communications with information that may be of interest to the user about ECOEMBES products and services, as well as any recycling activity or initiative and other relevant information.
  5. Sending satisfaction surveys: the data provided for this purpose will be processed by ECOEMBES to ascertain the degree of satisfaction with the provision of our services, projects and initiatives on the part of the user.
  6. Data provided for the exercise of rights: data provided for the exercise of rights will be processed in order to deal with your data protection requests.
  7. Data derived from the use of the Website: the data provided through the use of the Website will be processed for the purpose of carrying out the maintenance, support and updating of the Website, as well as for the resolution of possible technical or any other incidents that may arise in relation to the same. Likewise, they may be used to measure performance and carry out analyses on access habits and the activity carried out by users on the Website.
    Likewise, browsing of the Website by the user may be managed and analysed by means of cookies. The user can obtain more information about this in our Cookies Policy.


ECOEMBES will process the following categories of user data:

  1. Attention and appropriate management of the requests made through the forms provided:identification data (name and surname); contact data (e-mail, telephone, post code); any other data provided by the user in their query or request.
  2. Packaging adhesion: identification details (name and surname); contact details (e-mail, telephone, postcode); employment details (company, position).
  3. Creation of an account and access to the private area:identification details (name and surname); contact details (e-mail, telephone, postcode); employment details (company, position).
  4. Sending, by electronic means, ECOEMBES information: identification data (name and surname); contact data (e-mail, telephone, post code).
  5. Sending satisfaction surveys:identification data (name and surname); contact data (e-mail, telephone, address); data on transactions and services (campaigns in which you have participated, activity with ECOEMBES).
  6. Data provided for the exercise of rights:identification data (name and surname, ID card number); contact data (address, telephone number, e-mail address); as well as any other data that the user includes in the request.
  7. Data provided through the use of the Website: location data through IP’s, such as browser or device, data derived from cookies, clicks, interactions, etc.

In the event that the user provides data of third parties, he/she declares that he/she has their consent and undertakes to provide them with the information contained in the Privacy Policy, exempting ECOEMBES from any liability in this regard. However, ECOEMBES may carry out periodic checks to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.


The legal basis of the processing of your personal data will be the following:

  1. Attention and appropriate management of the requests made through the forms provided:the legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose will be the legitimate interest of ECOEMBES, consisting of correctly dealing with the requests made by users, offering a satisfactory customer service experience. You may object to the processing of your data for this purpose at any time by contacting the Privacy Office.
  2. Adhesion of packaging: the legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose will be the performance of the contractual relationship between the user and ECOEMBES.
  3. Creation of an account and access to the private area:the legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose will be the performance of the contractual relationship between the user and ECOEMBES.
  4. Sending, by electronic means, information related to the recycling activities of ECOEMBES: the legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose will be, on the one hand, the legitimate interest, in the event that the user is a customer or associate of ECOEMBES, to send him/her information related or similar to the product or service originally contracted, by virtue of the legal authorisation conferred in article 21.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, and/or, on the other hand, the express consent, in the event that the user is not a client or associate of ECOEMBES or the commercial information sent is of a general nature.
    You may object to the processing of your data for this purpose at any time via the contact address of the Privacy Office or via the link included in any commercial communication sent to you.
  5. Sending satisfaction surveys: the legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose will be the legitimate interest of ECOEMBES, consisting of knowing the degree of satisfaction of its users with its services and being able to constantly improve their experience based on the responses. You may object to the processing of your data for this purpose at any time by contacting the Privacy Office.
  6. Data provided for the exercise of rights: the legal basis for the processing of such data is the legal obligation of ECOEMBES to manage such rights in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  7. Data derived from the use of the Website: the legitimate interest of ECOEMBES in the correct functioning of the Website is the legal basis for the processing of such data for the purpose of maintaining the security of the Website and carrying out its maintenance. In this respect, no specific user data will be processed, but rather the information will be used in an aggregate manner in order to avoid interfering with the rights and freedoms of users. Likewise, ECOEMBES has implemented technical security measures to guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of the information processed. If you wish to obtain more information about this processing, you can request it by sending an e-mail to

    On the other hand, the basis of legitimacy of the processing of such data for the purpose of measuring performance and analytics will be the consent of the user, which may be revoked at any time and free of charge, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

    The consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent, so that the user may withdraw only one of them without affecting the others or the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

    To withdraw such consent, the user may contact ECOEMBES through the following channels:


The user’s data may be communicated to:

Additionally, the data may be accessed by suppliers of ECOEMBES, such access being necessary for the proper fulfilment of the legal obligations and/or the purposes indicated above. These suppliers will not process your data for their own purposes that have not been previously informed by ECOEMBES. ECOEMBES will contract the provision of services by third parties who carry out their activity, by way of example and without limitation, in the following areas: cloud or computer hosting, sending commercial communications, legal advice.

In this regard, ECOEMBES follows strict criteria for the selection of service providers in order to comply with its data protection obligations and undertakes to enter into a data processing agreement, as required by law, imposing on them, among others, the following obligations: to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of personal data; to process personal data for the agreed purposes and only in accordance with the documented instructions of the data controller; and to delete and return the data to the data controller once the services have been completed.

Some of our service providers are located in countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

The location of these companies outside the EEA implies the existence of an international transfer of your personal data. However, ECOEMBES has implemented measures to ensure that such transfers do not result in a lower level of protection of your personal data.

In this regard, service providers outside the EEA have signed the corresponding standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (“STC”), an agreement signed between both entities by which the non-EU company guarantees that it applies European data protection standards. Likewise, many of these suppliers are certified and adhere to the Data Privacy Framework endorsed by the European Commission.

Therefore, the use of these providers does not result in a lower level of protection of your personal data than the use of providers located in the European Union.

You can request a copy of these CCTs by sending your request to


Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, allows commercial communications to be made using the Internet and other electronic media, provided that they can be identified as such, as well as the entity from which they are made.

ECOEMBES will send commercial communications by post about similar services that may be of interest to the user.

However, ECOEMBES will offer the recipient the possibility of opposing the processing of their data for promotional purposes, both at the time of data collection and in each of the commercial communications sent to them.

Users may unsubscribe from these communications by sending a letter to the registered office of ECOEMBES indicated above or to the following e-mail address, indicating “unsubscribe from commercial communications”.


ECOEMBES is present in several social networks. When you interact with any of our pages on social networks, the processing of data will be governed by the terms of use, privacy policies and access regulations belonging to the corresponding social network and previously accepted by the user.

ECOEMBES will process your data in order to correctly manage its presence in the social network, informing you of activities, products or services, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of the social networks allow.

Please note that we have no influence over what information the social network collects or how it processes it.


ECOEMBES will keep users’ personal data only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected. Subsequently, if necessary, ECOEMBES will keep the information blocked until the prescription of the legal responsibilities that may have arisen as a result of the processing of the users’ personal data, at which time the data will be irreversibly deleted.

  1. Attention and appropriate management of the requests made by means of the forms provided: the data will be kept for the period necessary to process and reply to your request and, once this period has expired, will be blocked for the period of limitation of the legal actions derived from the aforementioned request.
  2. Creation of an account and access to the private area:the data will be kept for as long as the user account is active on the Website and, once the account is closed, blocked during the period of limitation of the legal actions that may arise from its use.
  3. Adhesion of packaging:the data will be kept for as long as the relationship with ECOEMBES is maintained and, once it has ended, blocked during the period of limitation of the legal actions that may be derived from its use.
  4. Sending, by electronic means, information related to the recycling activities of ECOEMBES: the data will be kept as long as the user does not withdraw the consent given for this purpose or oppose the processing and once withdrawn or opposed, blocked during the period of limitation of the legal actions that may arise from this.
  5. Sending satisfaction surveys: the data will be kept as long as the user does not object to the processing and, once the user has objected, blocked during the period of limitation of the legal actions that may arise from this.
  6. Data provided for the exercise of rights:the data will be kept for the period necessary to manage and process the rights exercised and, once this period has expired, for the period of limitation of the legal actions that may arise from the contractual relationship.
  7. Data derived from the use of the Website: the data will be kept for a period of two years or until the user objects. ECOEMBES may keep the information in aggregate form, without identifying users, for a longer period.


The user:


As the owner of the data, the user may send a letter to ECOEMBES, to the address indicated in the heading of this Privacy Policy, or by e-mail to the address:, providing proof of identity, at any time and free of charge, in order to exercise the following rights:

a) Right of acces:

You will have the right to be informed by ECOEMBES as to whether or not it is processing your personal data and, if so, to have access to such data and to receive information on the purposes for which they are processed, the categories of data affected by the processing, the recipients to whom your personal data were communicated and the expected period for which the data will be kept, among other information.

b) Right of rectification and erasure:

You have the right to request the erasure of personal data provided that the legal requirements are met, and the rectification of inaccurate data concerning you when, among other reasons, such data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

c) Restriction of processing, withdrawal of the consent and total or partial objection to processing y oposición total o parcial al tratamiento:

In certain circumstances (e.g. where the applicant disputes the accuracy of his or her data, while the accuracy of the data is being verified), he or she may request that the processing of his or her personal data be restricted and processed only for the purpose of pursuing or defending claims.

You also have the right to withdraw the consent given and to object to the processing at any time, for reasons relating to your particular situation, if the processing is based on our legitimate interest. In this case, ECOEMBES will cease processing, unless legitimate reasons can be demonstrated.

d) Portability of your data:

You will have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to ECOEMBES in a structured, common and machine-readable format, and to be able to transmit them to another data controller without being prevented from doing so by the data controller to whom you have provided them, in the cases legally provided for this purpose.

e) Automated individual decisions:

Furthermore, in addition to the aforementioned rights, in case of automated decisions, including profiling, you have the right to obtain human intervention by ECOEMBES and to express your point of view and challenge the decision.

f) Others:

Similarly, where personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, you have the right to be informed about how you can access or obtain a copy of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

Likewise, you may lodge a complaint regarding the protection of your personal data with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the address C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 – Madrid, when the interested party considers that ECOEMBES has infringed the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.


ECOEMBES will treat the user’s data at all times in the strictest confidence and will maintain the mandatory duty of secrecy with regard to the same, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting for this purpose the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or from the physical or natural environment.


ECOEMBES reserves the right to revise its Privacy Policy at any time it deems appropriate, in which case users will be notified. For this reason, please check this privacy statement regularly to read the most recent version of the ECOEMBES Privacy Policy.


The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on personal data protection, accepting the content of this Privacy Policy.

Last update: June 2024.